eNews 9.5.19


Call for entries! It’s time to put your creativity to work and submit a design for the yearbook cover art contest! Think about how cool it would be to see YOUR design on the cover of the yearbook! 

This year's theme: Super Bobcats!
Submission date: September 9 - October 4

Open to Beverly students K-5th Grade. Click here for the form and instructions. If you have questions please email yearbook@beverlypta.com.

**Urgent: From the PTA President Regarding Reflections**
Beverly has a strong tradition of participating in the Reflections contest. We’ve had national award winners, even as recently as last year! I participated in Reflections through the Mansfield ISD when I was a little girl and the program is very special to me. 
You may not know that parent volunteers make it possible for our students to submit their work to Reflections. At this time we do not have anyone to help with Reflections. If we do not get at least two parent/grandparent/adult PTA members to volunteer to help by Wednesday, September 11, we will not be able to have Beverly students submit their work to Reflections this year. However, we do plan to have a display and participation awards for students who would still like to create art pieces, even if they are not eligible to submit to the actual Reflections contest. 
We realize that parents are busy, and if no one is able to help this year, we hope and anticipate that your children will be able to participate in Reflections through Beverly in future years as volunteers become available and are willing to help facilitate the program.
To find out more about Reflections, go to https://www.txpta.org/reflections
For an outline of responsibilities for a volunteer Reflections committee, go to https://www.txpta.org/reflections-leader-resources. Last year’s coordinator is also willing to help train you.
Thank you for all you do to help make Beverly a great place to learn!
Beverly PTA President

We are still collecting regular clipped paper Box Tops, but a lot of products will be digital only. See how easy it is to earn cash for Beverly with the NEW Box Tops App! Watch this how-to video to for a simple, step-by-step explanation of how it works—then give it a try yourself!


We are looking for a few good partners!
Do you, your family or close friend own a business? How about becoming a Beverly Bobcat Business Partner?!  2019-2020 Beverly Bobcat Partnership is a great way to support Beverly, advertise your business and get a tax deduction!

Click here to see all the different options available to support our school!


After School Art Experience classes are back at Beverly! If your child is interested in attending, please register at: www.the-art-experience.com (Scroll down and click on the Beverly Logo)

Fill out the registration form and when you hit submit, you will have to scroll up to see the confirmation window that will hold the Paypal link.  Registration is NOT complete until payment is made. Classes fill within a day or two so be sure to register and pay all at the same time or you could miss your spot!

Classes are offered to grades 1st-5th. Tuition for the semester (12 weeks) is $165 with all supplies included.

Schedule: 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/18, 10/25, 11/8,11/15,11/22,12/6,12/13
2:45pm – 4:15pm at Room 600

Sponsored by Beverly PTA


After School Chess Classes from PSL Chess Academy are back at Beverly this Fall! To register, e-mail pslchess@yahoo.com 

Payment by Paypal @pslchess.com or Cash or Check to: Heidi Austin
PSL Chess Semester One: 12 Weeks $185 

Schedule: Fridays at 2:45-4:00pm -  9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/18, 10/25, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13 

Volunteers needed: We need two parent volunteers. They will stay during the class and help at dismissal. If you are interested and have your PISD background check cleared, please indicate Heidi at pslchess@yahoo.com and Latha at programs@beverlypta.com. For generously donating your time, your chid(ren) will receive 50% discount in the semester fees! 


Sponsored by Beverly PTA



Our first PTA Volunteer of the Month for the month of September is Britney Prince. Britney was our School Supply Coordinator, and she spent countless hours prior to school starting back organizing and distributing all of our school supply packs so they were ready for students on the first day of school. We appreciate all of your hard work! Please see Lisa Benatovich in the front office for your special placard that allows you to use the Volunteer of the Month parking spot in the front parking lot.    



**TODAY!** Bobcats, join us for a Back to School Ice Cream Party on Thursday, September 5, at 6:30 pm. After a short PTA meeting, eat ice cream with us and get to know your child's classmates and parents. Can't wait to see you!


Individual Fall Picture Day is this Monday, September 9! To order your child's photos, go to mylifetouch.com with your Picture Day ID TX119037Q0


**Dance-A-Thon Coordinator needed!**
Do you enjoy making a difference? Do you want to help, but don’t have a ton of time? We have the volunteer role for you! Beverly PTA’s largest fundraiser "Dance-A-Thon", is coming up on October 11. We won't be able to do this without the help from our fabulous parents. Sign up today by going to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050948AFAA29A1FD0-beverly today!

We need a volunteer/chair person for Health and Safety committee to help coordinate Red Ribbon week in October. In this role, you will work with our counselor Mrs. Bulino to advertise the theme for Red Ribbon week (flyers in YO packets), take pictures of kids during the week and in the assembly, etc.  If interested and need more information, please email president@beverlypta.com.


Complete these few and quick back to school “to do” to help Beverly Elementary!
 Update your Kroger Plus card link to Beverly Elementary (#84353)
 Update your Tom Thumb Reward card link to Beverly Elementary (#6930)
 Collect and bring in your Box Tops for Education

 Do you shop on Amazon? Sign up for Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchases to our school! It so easy and it doesn't cost you anything!
 Be on the look out for upcoming Spirit Nights and mark your calendars!

***Please note that if you linked your card last year you will still need to link it again for this year as all Community Rewards programs reset each year!!!***

Click here for instructions on how to link your Tom Thumb and Kroger Plus Reward Cards.

eNews 8.29.19


After School Art Experience classes are back at Beverly! Students will experience new media, art forms, and tons of new techniques.  Most classes are lead step by step with students learning detailed techniques for each medium along the way.


If your child is interested in attending, please register at: www.the-art-experience.com(Scroll down and click on the Beverly Logo)

Fill out the registration form and when you hit submit, you will have to scroll up to see the confirmation window that will hold the Paypal link.  Registration is NOT complete until payment is made. Classes fill within a day or two so be sure to register and pay all at the same time or you could miss your spot!

Classes are offered to grades 1st-5th. Tuition for the semester (12 weeks) is $165 with all supplies included.

Schedule: 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/18, 10/25, 11/8,11/15,11/22,12/6,12/13
2:45pm – 4:15pm at Room 600

Sponsored by Beverly PTA


After School Chess Classes from PSL Chess Academy are back at Beverly this Fall!

The PSL Chess program empowers our learners and strengthens their problem solving skills with curriculum designed to challenge all ages and levels of chess development. We emphasize chess fundamentals and good sportsmanship. PSL Chess students gain tools from their chess playing that positively impacts their academic performance. This award winning club keeps chess learning fresh, fun and engaging!

To register, e-mail pslchess@yahoo.com 

Payment by Paypal @pslchess.com or Cash or Check to: Heidi Austin

PSL Chess Semester One: 12 Weeks $185 

Schedule: Fridays at 2:45-4:00pm -  9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/18, 10/25, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13 

Volunteers needed: We need two parent volunteers. They will stay during the class and help at dismissal. If you are interested and have your PISD background check cleared, please indicate Heidi at pslchess@yahoo.com and Latha at programs@beverlypta.com. For generously donating your time, your chid(ren) will receive 50% discount in the semester fees! 


Sponsored by Beverly PTA



Bobcats, join us for a Back to School Ice Cream Party on Thursday, September 5, at 6 pm.After a short PTA meeting, eat ice cream with us and get to know your child's classmates and parents. Can't wait to see you!


Save the date for Plano PTAs' Back-to-School Splash! Sunday, September 1, 2019
Hawaiian Falls - The Colony
$5 from each ticket benefits your local PTA. 
Park opens: 10:30 am - use your admission tickets ALL DAY. Park re-opens for a PTA private party: 6:00 - 9:00 pm - use your wristband to re-enter.
$15 - Park admission
$20 - Park admission with unlimited drink
$25 - Park admission with unlimited drink and a walk up meal
$10 - Coolers with non-commercial food
Children under 2 years old - FREE


Parent volunteers, come and join us onSeptember 4 at 11am-1pm, for our Workroom Wednesday! During this time, we will help our fabulous teachers with tasks like copying, laminating, cutting, etc. Bring your lunch, and have fun socializing with other Beverly parents during this low-key time that is so helpful to our teachers! 


Call for entries! Reflections is a National PTA sponsored arts recognition program that encourages artistic expression. In the past we have many Beverly students awarded with National level Reflection awards!  The 2019-2020 Reflections theme is "Look Within". Use your imagination to create a film, song, artwork, photograph, poem, short story or dance routine. Click here for more information.

**We currently have no Reflection Coordinator.** Please contact us if you are interested or have any question about filling this position. 


**Dance-A-Thon Coordinator needed!**
Do you enjoy making a difference? Do you want to help, but don’t have a ton of time? We have the volunteer role for you! Beverly PTA’s largest fundraiser "Dance-A-Thon", is coming up on October 11. We won't be able to do this without the help from our fabulous parents. Sign up today by going tohttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050948AFAA29A1FD0-beverly today!

We need a volunteer/chair person for Health and Safety committee to help coordinate Red Ribbon week in October. In this role, you will work with our counselor Mrs. Bulino to advertise the theme for Red Ribbon week (flyers in YO packets), take pictures of kids during the week and in the assembly, etc.  If interested and need more information, please email president@beverlypta.com.


Complete these few and quick back to school “to do” to help Beverly Elementary!
 Update your Kroger Plus card link to Beverly Elementary (#84353)
 Update your Tom Thumb Reward card link to Beverly Elementary (#6930)
 Collect and bring in your Box Tops for Education
 Be on the look out for upcoming Spirit Nights and mark your calendars

***Please note that if you linked your card last year you will still need to link it again for this year as all Community Rewards programs reset each year!!!***

Click here for instructions on how to link your Tom Thumb and Kroger Plus Reward Cards.

eNews 8.22.19


A huge thank you to all of our volunteers who showed up for our inaugural Work Room Wednesday! We had over a dozen volunteers hard at work on tasks for teachers in every grade level from laminating, copying and sorting papers for classrooms, and even airing up balls for the playground! In just over 2 hours, we cleared out tasks that would have taken individual teachers much longer, and allowed them more time to TEACH, or plan, or spend time with their own families in the evenings. Way to go Bobcat Family!

Next Work Room Wednesday will be September 4 from 11am-1pm!


New Bobcat Parents, you are invited for Coffee with Mrs. Savant! Come and chat with our Principal about all things Beverly Elementary, on Thursday, August 29 at 8am
Welcome Back to school, Bobcats! Join us for an Ice Cream Party on Thursday, September 5, at 6 pm. After a short PTA meeting, eat ice cream with us and get to know your child's classmates and parents. Can't wait to see you!

Save the date for Plano PTAs' Back-to-School Splash! Sunday, September 1, 2019
Hawaiian Falls - The Colony
$5 from each ticket benefits your local PTA. 

Park opens: 10:30 am - use your admission tickets ALL DAY. Park re-opens for a PTA private party: 6:00 - 9:00 pm - use your wristband to re-enter.
$15 - Park admission
$20 - Park admission with unlimited drink
$25 - Park admission with unlimited drink and a walk up meal
$10 - Coolers with non-commercial food
Children under 2 years old - FREE


PSHS Lady Wildcats Basketball is gearing up for another great season.  You can support the ladies by  visiting their Car Wash Fundraiserthis weekend, Saturday 08/24 at McDonald's Legacy/Coit, from 7am to 11am! 



Do you enjoy making a difference? Do you want to help, but don’t have a ton of time? We have the volunteer role for you! Beverly PTA’s largest fundraiser "Dance-A-Thon", is coming up on October 11, and we need volunteers to: 
• Pick a theme
• Run the concession stand
• Help organize the event
• Manage the vendors
• Update the fundraiser thermometer
• Set up the dance floor and judges table
• Set up and take down decorations
• Manage the website
• Bring prizes to the classrooms
• Manage Event Communication
We need a volunteer/chair person for Health and Safety committee to help coordinate Red Ribbon week in October. In this role, you will work with our counselor Mrs. Bulino to advertise the theme for Red Ribbon week (flyers in YO packets), take pictures of kids during the week and in the assembly, etc.  If interested and need more information, please email president@beverlypta.com.
Does your Bobcat love to read?! We arelooking for a Co-Coordinator to help with ourAccelerated Reader (ARProgram this year. This position would work closely with this year’scoordinator Nancy Yu to learn the ropes andtake over as the coordinator next school year
This roll typically takes 30-45 minutes once a week. Responsibilities include:
• Set up the board with markers at thebeginning of the year.
• update the board weekly (can alternate withco-coordinator and other volunteers so ifthereare weeks you are unavailable it is okay! )
• Plan the AR party at the end of the year.
Please contact us if you are interested or have any question!
Complete these few and quick back to school “to do” to help Beverly Elementary!
 Update your Kroger Plus card link to Beverly Elementary (#84353)
 Update your Tom Thumb Reward card link to Beverly Elementary (#6930)
 Collect and bring in your Box Tops for Education
 Be on the look out for upcoming Spirit Nights and mark your calendars
***Please note that if you linked your card last year you will still need to link it again for this year as all Community Rewards programs reset each year!!!***
Click here for instructions on how to link your Tom Thumb and Kroger Plus Reward Cards.

eNews 8.15.19



• Parent Information Night - Thursday August 15.  
For Kindergarten-4th Grade, there are 2 identical sessions: 6:00-6:40pm and 6:45-7:30 (please choose one).  For 5th Grade: there is 1 session that starts at 6:45 in the Cafeteria and it will cover both Academic and Camp. 


• Workroom Wednesday - Wednesday August 21
Parent volunteers, come and join us on August 21 at 11am-1pm, for our Workroom Wednesday! During this time, we will help our fabulous teachers with tasks like copying, laminating, cutting, etc. Bring your lunch, and have fun socializing with other Beverly parents during this low-key time that is so helpful to our teachers!


• Coffee with Mrs. Savant -  Come and chat with our Principal about all things Beverly Elementary, on Thursday, August 29 at 8am.


• Plano PTAs' Back-to-School Splash - Sunday, September 1, 2019 Hawaiian Falls - The Colony $5 from each ticket benefits your local PTA. 


• PTA Back to School Ice Cream Party - Thursday, September 5, at 6 pm. After a short PTA meeting, eat ice cream with us and get to know your child's classmates and parents. Can't wait to see you!





• WANTED: HEALTH & SAFETY CHAIR -  We need a volunteer/chair person for Health and Safety committee to help coordinate Red Ribbon week in October. In this role, you will work with our counselor Mrs. Bulino to advertise the theme for Red Ribbon week (flyers in YO packets), take pictures of kids during the week and in the assembly, etc.  If interested and need more information, please email president@beverlypta.com.  


• PLEASE take the time to take our quick "Volunteer Interest Survey" on Membership Toolkit. This survey is only gauging INTEREST. You are NOT committed for the year by checking the box on the survey! This just allows us to plan and organize, and put someone in touch regarding your interests.
We will have a drawing on August 19, and one lucky winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card just for filling out the survey!
• ROOM PARENTS NEEDED! - We are looking for Room Parents for all grades and classes! Room Parents work closely with each Grade Level Coordinator and help them with class parties and keep parents informed of teacher birthdays and such. Please sign up here to show your INTEREST in being a room parent.
• *IMPORTANT!* All PTA accounts become inactive every year in the summer. You need to log in to BeverlyPTA.com and become a CURRENT contact to keep receiving this e-Newsletter. Go to "My Account", then "Parent & Student Information". Update your information and your child's teacher as well! 

• Our new 2019-20 Beverly Bobcat Spirit Shirt is here! Every Friday, students wear their spirit wear to show their pride being a Beverly Bobcat. Please login to your BeverlyPTA.com account to purchase it now before your sizes run out!


Back to School Boohoo/Woohoo Breakfast

Calling all Bobcat parents! Whether you call it "Boohoo" or "Woohoo", join us for breakfast on the first day of school, August 12 at 7:45am. Head over to the Beverly Cafeteria after you drop off your children and come get to know other Bobcat parents! Breakfast is hosted by PTA.


Limited Quantity of School Supplies Available



**UPDATE AS OF FRIDAY 08/09**: We only have 2nd grade and 3rd grade supplies left. Email schoolsupplies@beverlypta.com


**UPDATE**: School Supplies Pre-Order form in this website is now closed. We have limited quantity of extra school supplies available and they can be purchased on Friday during  Meet The Teachers on August 9 from 8am-9am at Beverly. Please bring cash or check payable to Beverly PTA. Questions?  Email schoolsupplies@beverlypta.com



We have limited quantity of extra school supplies available! If you missed the deadline for School Supply order in May, you can now place your order. There are 2 ways to purchase. You can login on this site (or create a FREE Account if you are not signed up yet) and go to "My Account" and purchase it there. This would be the fastest way to guarantee your order. Or, you can come to Meet The Teachers on August 9 from 8am-9am at Beverly and you can purchase a pack there (limited quantity!). 


Unfortunately, if you do not see your grade level pack listed, it is sold out.  The list of school supplies needed for the year can be found HERE. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at schoolsupplies@beverlypta.com

Kindergarten Meet & Greet

Get to know other Bobcat Kindergarteners before school starts! PTA will provide popsicles for the kids. Please help spread the word to other parents of incoming kindergarteners you know. RSVP on our Facebook event page so we can get an approximate headcount. Contact our Kindergarten Coordinators if you have any questions. We look forward to see you!


Facebook News Feed