Beverly Weekly e-Newsletter • 07/11/2019
Bobcats, hope you are having a good summer so far! We are excited to see you back soon. New student registration is on July 24 and July 25. Come to Beverly either in the morning at 9am-11am or in the afternoon 1pm-3pm.
Do you love shopping at Amazon? Prime Day is coming soon at July 15 & 16! Amazon donates to our school whenever you make a purchase (at NO additional cost to you!). All you have to do is click here and choose "PTA Texas Congress 7407 Beverly Elementary" as your choice of non profit organization. Use the link to shop and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Beverly!
We have the best teachers at Beverly! Meet your child's teachers on August 9 from 8am-9am at Beverly. School supplies will be available for those who have ordered. Limited school supplies will also be on sale for those who still need one. Here is the list of school supply.
We love our volunteers! Remember that ALL Plano ISD volunteer records are inactivated June 30 of each year. All volunteers must reapply for background check after July 1 every single year. Yes, even if you have volunteered before, you HAVE to fill it out again after July 1 to be eligible to volunteer during the 2019-2020 school year. This is the perfect time to reapply, so you are all set by the time school starts! Click here to review and resubmit your application.
Important! Please log in to and become a "CURRENT" contact by updating your information to keep receiving this e-newsletter. Starting July 15, you will be able to:
- Purchase school supplies (limited quantities)
- Buy PTA memberships
- Pre-order Yearbooks
- Purchase Spirit Wear
Parent Portal will be available starting July 23. Don't forget to login to the PISD Parent Portal and review/update your Emergency Contact. All your forms need to have the green check marks. This needs to be done every year before school starts. Once you have done this, you will be able to view your child's teacher assignment on August 8 in the Parent Portal.
July 23
Parent Portal will be available to parents.
July 24-25
New student registration • 9-11am and 1-3pm
August 8
Teacher Reveal day (go to Parent Portal)
August 9
Meet the Teacher • 8-9am
PTA Luncheon • 11:30am
August 12
First day of school
Boohoo Breakfast for Parents at the Beverly Cafeteria • 7:45am
August 15
Parent Information Night • Two identical sessions for K-4th: 6-6:40pm and 6:45-7:30. 5th Grade: 1st session Academic, 2nd session Camp.
August 29
Coffee with Mrs Savant for New Beverly Parents • 8am
School Supplies for 2019-20
eNews 5.16.19
Did you know that bolded items are actually links? Check it out!
- Order School Supplies for 2019-20 - Deadline is May 24
- *Senior Reception - TODAY @ 4:30pm
- Spirit Wear Clearance
- *Spirit Wear Coordinator Needed!
- *Field Day - May 21 - Rain or Shine!
- Volunteer Appreciation Lunch - May 21 @ 10:45am
- *Congratulations to Yagna Brihu for receiving an Overall Award of Excellence in Primary Dance Choreography!
- School Supplies for Middle School - Hendrick & Schimelpfenig
- Plano Principals Association 2019 Golf Scramble - June 7
- Dallas Rattlers PISD Night - June 2
"Read More" temporarily not work...please come back soon or check our eNews Archives for full articles.
Volunteer for Field Day, May 21st
Hey Bobcat Parents, Beverly Field Day is coming!
RAIN OR SHINE, we will have Field Day! We will still need our volunteers on Tuesday, May 21!
Field Day Checklist
- Wear your Field Day T-shirt/Bobcat shirt. Wear swimsuit underneath your clothes because we will be getting wet!
- Bring a change of clothes and shoes
- Sunscreen (apply before school)
- Water bottle (each child is responsible for their own water bottle)
- Plastic bag for wet clothes
eNews 5.9.19
Did you know that bolded items are actually links? Check it out!
- Order School Supplies for 2019-20 - Deadline is May 24
- Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10
- Spirit Wear Clearance
- *Teachers' Corner
- *Senior Reception - May 16 @ 4:30pm
- *Field Day - May 21
- *Volunteer Appreciation Lunch - May 21 @ 10:45am
- *School Supplies for Middle School - Hendrick & Schimelpfenig
- Plano Principals Association 2019 Golf Scramble - June 7
- Dallas Rattlers PISD Night - June 2
Click on "Read More" to see the full articles!
Spring 2019 Book Fair
Going on NOW through Friday, May 3.
Set up an eWallet for your student HERE. (You will create an account first.)
Shop online HERE through May 7 (and you can use Ebates, too!) Books are shipped free to the school.
Grandfriends' Lunch - Friday, May 3:
Any parent or special family member is invited to eat lunch and shop with your child:
Kinder 12:25-12:55
1st Gr 11:25-11:55
2nd Gr 11:10-11:40
3rd Gr 11:40-12:10
4th Gr 12:10-12:40
5th Gr 11:55-12:25
The more volunteers we have, the more help we can provide in finding books and getting everyone checked out. Click HERE to sign up to volunteer.
Details on hours and more on our Book Fair Page.
Questions? Email
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5