After School STEM Classes from Brick, Bots and Beaker are a new program at Beverly this Fall!
From collapsing buildings like the Fidenae stadium and bridges like the Tay Bridge, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, to sinking ships like the Titanic — this camp is all about epic engineering disasters! Students will build structures and discover what went wrong and design and test solutions! Some of the disasters covered in this camp include the Colossus of Rhodes, Exxon oil spill, city group skyscraper, Titanic, and the wings of Icarus. This class is a lot of hands-on fun!
Classes are offered to grades 1-5th.
Tuition for the semester (11 weeks) is $220 with all supplies included.
For more information, e-mail or call 214-326-8225 and ask for Radhika Tatineni.
You may register online here, scroll down to Beverly Elementary and click REGISTER.
Schedule: Fridays 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/20, 10/27,11/3, 11/10, 12/01, 12/8, 12/15
3:00pm – 4:00pm
***The first class of this program starts Friday 9/8 so be sure to sign up ASAP***
PARENT VOLUNTEER NEEDED: We need one parent volunteer, who will stay to help during the class and help at dismissal. If you are interested and have your PISD background check cleared, please email Jennifer at For generously donating your time, your child will receive Free Tuition for the program!
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