On Wednesday, October 18, our Beverly PTA Hospitality team will be hosting a teacher and staff luncheon with a chili bar!

To make it happen, we would appreciate your help with some food and supplies.

If you are willing to donate for this luncheon and show appreciation to the teachers and the staff, please click here. Your items need to be at the school by 8am October 18. You can send it with your child or walk it into the office. 

Thank you for your continuous support and if you have any questions, please feel free to email volunteers@beverlypta.com 

Spirit Night at Chipotle - 10/3 @ 5-9PM

Get ready for our next Spirit Night at Chipotle! You won't want to miss out! Join us to support Beverly Elementary and enjoy a yummy dinner.

WHEN: Tuesday, October 3, 5-9pm

WHERE: Chipotle, 6917 Independence Pkwy, Plano TX 75023

HOW: For DINE-IN, show the flyer above to the cashier at the register, or just mention that you are ordering to support Beverly Elementary, so our school can get a percentage of the sales. 

ONLINE ORDER for pickup, use code 8W26YRP in the "Promo Code" section when you checkout. Orders must be placed for pickup only and from the participating restaurant location during the hours of the fundraiser. 

Walk and Bike to School - 10/04

On Wednesday, October 4 is national walk to school day. Please join us by walking or rolling to school on Wednesday. Give an extra big greeting to our morning crossing guard while you're at it!!

We are scheduled to have a Plano fire truck and fire persons to greet us starting at 7am before starting our day. Stop by and say hi! And while you are there put your name in for our giveaway for a chance to win a bike lock or a bike helmet. 

Spirit Night at Handels Ice Cream - 9/12 @ 5-9PM

Join us for Spirit Night at Handel's Homemade Ice Cream, on Tuesday, September 12, from 5-9pm, 4200 Legacy Dr, Plano TX. Stop by and get cool treats for your kiddos (or even for yourselves!). 

IMPORTANT: When you order, please tell your server that you are supporting Beverly Elementary. When you mention "Beverly Elementary'', Handel will give a percentage of your purchase to our school! If our collective purchase reaches $750, they will give Beverly 30% of the proceeds!

Beverly Strong Obstacle Run - 9/22-9/29

Save the date for Beverly PTAs Fall Fundraiser 9/22-9/29 which will culminate in the BEVERLY STRONG OBSTACLE RUN on Friday, September 29 from 6-8pm on the Beverly Playground. The obstacle run will have food and fun for the whole family!

Ice Cream Social & PTA Meeting, 09/14 @ 6PM

Save the date! We would like to invite you to for our first PTA Meeting of the year! Join us for a Back to School Ice Cream Social and PTA meeting on Thursday, September 14, at 6pm

Parents and teachers will meet in the Gym at 6pm. We will discuss upcoming events and vote on budget amendments. 

We will have ice cream sandwiches and childcare set up in the cafeteria. A G-rated movie will be played in the cafeteria and supervision will be provided by background checked PTA volunteer parents. 

Ice cream sandwiches will be for all ages. 

Childcare in the cafeteria is ONLY for Beverly students (kindergarten to 5th grade).  We are unable to supervise younger siblings, but they are welcome to stay in the gym with their parents. 


After School Program: STEM Club

After School STEM Classes from Brick, Bots and Beaker are a new program at Beverly this Fall! 

From collapsing buildings like the Fidenae stadium and bridges like the Tay Bridge, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, to sinking ships like the Titanic — this camp is all about epic engineering disasters! Students will build structures and discover what went wrong and design and test solutions! Some of the disasters covered in this camp include the Colossus of Rhodes, Exxon oil spill, city group skyscraper, Titanic, and the wings of Icarus. This class is a lot of hands-on fun!

Classes are offered to grades 1-5th.

Tuition for the semester (11 weeks) is $220 with all supplies included. 

For more information, e-mail rtatineni@bricksbotsbeakers.com or call 214-326-8225 and ask for Radhika Tatineni. 

You may register online here, scroll down to Beverly Elementary and click REGISTER.

Schedule: Fridays 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/20, 10/27,11/3, 11/10, 12/01, 12/8, 12/15

3:00pm – 4:00pm

***The first class of this program starts Friday 9/8 so be sure to sign up ASAP***

PARENT VOLUNTEER NEEDED: We need one parent volunteer, who will stay to help during the class and help at dismissal. If you are interested and have your PISD background check cleared, please email Jennifer at programs@beverlypta.com. For generously donating your time, your child will receive Free Tuition for the program!

Sponsored by Beverly PTA

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