Student PTA Membership

Did you know that your student can be a member of our PTA?  Here are seven reasons for your student to join Beverly PTA:

  • Gain leadership experience that they will utilize for the rest of their life
  • So that THEY get to decide how their school will serve and affect THEM
  • Receive access to scholarships
  • Enjoy benefits and discounts
  • Share their own ideas and let their voice be heard
  • Positively impact their community through service
  • Make a difference for their generation and the following generations to come.

Lunch Duty Volunteers Needed

The teachers in most grade levels are in need of lunch duty volunteers.  This is a fun way to see your child at school while helping in the cafeteria.  Sign ups are ongoing on the lunch duty calendar for each grade level, and ANY help is appreciated!!  Please log in to your account for more information and to sign up to help.

Keep sending in those Box Tops

Kindergarten: Roten 
1st: Inman
2nd: Park
3rd: Lisell
4th: Beauchamp
5th: Garcia 

Ms. Lisell's class has the most in the school with 182 Box Tops 

Recycling Never Made More Cents

A World Wear Project textiles recycling bin has been placed in our north parking lot. For every pound collected from you, our PTA receives $0.15 per pound.  The benefit to you? Neater closets, drawers, toy boxes, and kitchens, and the knowledge that less textile waste will end up in our local landfills. Please see the list below of items that can be donated and remember no items may be left outside of the bin. 

National PTA School of Excellence Program

We, your PTA, and school administrators are making a year-long commitment in identifying and implementing an action plan for school improvement based on PTA's National Standards for Family-School Partnerships. 

Questions? Want to join the Excellence Team?  Email Lauren,

Give Where You Spend

Raise money for Beverly programs without feeling at pinch in the pocketbook! 
More details can be found under the fundraising / retail partners tab on our website or by clicking HERE.

Beverly Library Needs You!

The Beverly Library needs some adult volunteers to assist with book checkout, shelving, and helping students find library materials. Having volunteers allows the Library to remain open while Mrs. Quirl teaches the library classes. If you would like to volunteer, CLICK HERE.  Training is provided!

Questions? Please email Michelle Kok, the library coordinator at

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