Here is a checklist to make sure you stay informed this school year!
☑ Create your FREE account at
☑ If you already have an account, log in, then update your information, including your child's teacher's name.
☑ After logging in, you will be able to:
• subscribe to our school calendar
• purchase your PTA Membership
• sign up for volunteering opportunities
• buy Spirit Wear
• order a Yearbook
• receive weekly e-Newsletter to stay informed!
☑ NEW! PISD is now using the Voly system to manage volunteers and volunteer opportunities. This MUST be completed for you to go Beverly to volunteer (e.g: lunch duty, class party, field trip, field day etc). Visit to begin the process,.
☑ Download the "Membership Toolkit" app in your App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) and you can access all this information even easier!
☑ Contact us at if you have any questions!