Online Auction - FAQ


- Bidding

- Closing Times

8:30 pm Restaurants-Dining

8:45 pm Bobcat Teacher Events

9:00 pm School Spirit and Collectibles

9:15 pm Entertainment, Sports, Travel and Tickets

9:30 pm Services, Beauty, Photography, and Misc Gift Certificates!

- Tax Holiday & Tax Deductibility

eNews 4.12.18

eNews 4.12.18

Upcoming Parent Education Classes

There are three parent education opportunities coming up!  Each session will last approximately one hour.


March 28th 8:00-9:00am Communication Tools

April 5th 3:30-4:30pm Kindergarten Ready

May 9th 4:00-5:00pm Transition to Middle School


Click HERE for details.


Contact Tracy Bulino,, with questions.


Field Day: Buy T-shirts and Volunteer

Field Day T-shirts can be ordered HERE for $7 each. 


T-Shirts available for order March 19 - April 6


Also, sign-up to Volunteer HERE.  Please remember that you need complete the PISD Volunteer Application in order to volunteer in any school activities.  Click HERE for the application.


T-shirt order questions?  Contact Christine at


Field Day Volunteer questions?  Contact Carron at 

Multicultural & Art Night - March 27, 6:30-8pm

There are lots of ways to volunteer!

Are you interested in hosting a country booth?

Is your Beverly child in a dance, martial arts, or other group that does performances from different cultures and would the group like to perform?

Want to volunteer for the event to help out either before/during/after with set up, clean up, etc?

Please contact: with questions or to volunteer!

Beverly PTA Online Auction

We are currently searching for volunteers to fill the following positions. 

Co-Chair                        In Person Solicitation

Data Entry                     Printing / Graphics


A significant portion of the PTA budget comes from our online auction. Field trips, teacher technology, class parties, and more are made possible through fundraising contributions. Assisting with the auction makes a huge impact with a minimal time commitment. 


Auction Solicitation Letter:  HERE

For more information contact  Ellen Myers

Let's Do Lunch

Join us for a fun afternoon visiting local retailers and restaurants, and eating lunch with your Beverly friends. Solicitation outing dates will be based on group availability.


For more information or to sign up contact Ellen Myers,

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